Burrito for 20070921

I'm now calling my summary posts 'Burrito's instead of 'TwitterWrap's, because they really don't have anything do with Twitter.  Why "burrito" instead of something more exotic like "gyro"?  Well, the site is called Don Juan's Romantic Mexican Food, not Theo's Mediterranean  Cafe, now isn't it?

Now that we've gotten that trivial clarification out of the way ...


My throat is sore and my body exhausted from attending my first Stars game of the (pre)season.  Both Wife and myself had a lot of fun, but not quite to the level of a regular season game.  I think during the preseason there should be a general admission cost of $10, and seats should be FCFS. It's stupid to have the lower bowl almost completely empty, with the upper bowl sparse. Let the upper-deck people move down and see what they're missing, and build a stronger atmosphere in the building. A variant of this would be to allow people to sit in any available seat after the second period.

Ian 'Lappy' Laperriere, in a totally classless act, cross-checked Jussi Jokinen in the face after play had stopped late in the third period.  I seriously hope that the league is reviewing the incident and hands down a 1-2 game suspension.


Tuesday night we went to this huge consignment sale for babies / expectant parents.  It started at 9:00pm, which means we didn't get out of there until near midnight. We got some good deals on furniture and clothes, but I have been pretty exhausted ever since.

We've been looking at names, using a Google Spreadsheet to consolidate names we've found from NameVoyager and Nymbler.  I'm hoping we can negotiate a deal during the off-season so that we don't have to take the name selection issue to binding arbitration.

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