
No matter what the service is, these days it seems like the only choice you have is between the provider that sucks, and the provider that sucks less. If I want channels for my television, I choose between DirecTV and Comcast. If I want a cell phone, I choose between Sprint, Verizon, or AT&T, each of which are constantly looking for a way to steal your money. Of course when you make your choice you're stuck with it for a one or two year contract.

Luckily, the Internet is free of most of those restrictions for the time being. Usually there's a billion sites providing their own different flavor of service, and even better is that there's at least a few that are free. I like free things.

With this in mind, I've decided to move away from LiveJournal since they do not support the features I want at the correct price point. Namely, they wan to charge me $25 per year to be able to post by email, and Blogger charges nothing. Have I mentioned that I like free things?

I know it's going to be inconvenient, and people aren't going to want to visit my blogger site, or even add my Livejournal syndication feed to their friends list, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. I'm pretty sure the right people will make the transition, and everyone else can snarflag a spork.

This feed will encompass the mandate of the previous blog (video games, sports, poker) as well as other random content about myself, friends, family, and useless time wasters. Since I will be able to post by email I'll post more often and try to keep it entertaining or informative, depending on my mood.

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